I’m back with scars to show, Back with the streets I know, Will never take me anywhere but here
#Death and #birth is about so much more than the bookend events that bring us and take us from this world. It’s about our own living and learning, growing and doing, starting and ending, and then starting again.
I have been going through a lot of my own deaths and rebirths over the past several months, and after wrapping up another contract job that moved me temporarily into PA, I’m transitioning into my great What’s Next back in the state that forever has my heart, no matter how far I roam.
I admit, it’s been exhausting schlepping my things between numerous locations, living partially between places. While I still have a lot of work ahead of me, I am getting closer to the existence I’ve been longing for: getting rooted in one location (at least for a little bit ), having a little more structure to my world.
Seeing my #ChristmasCactus thriving in its new home gives me a feeling of tremendous joy every time I look at it: it had been dormant for so long, almost budding, but not really blooming. Just a few weeks after transferring it, it started to come alive again, and is more vibrant than I’ve seen it in a long, long time. I’d like to hope this latest move will do the same for me, too.